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Our Mission

Border Tails Rescue's mission is to eliminate the need for euthanasia of homeless dogs by providing shelter and arranging loving homes for adoptable dogs through partnerships with animal service facilities throughout our local area, on a national level through partnerships with animal service facilities in other states and internationally through partnerships with facilities in Mexico and other underserved areas. Additionally, through education, community outreach and our spay neuter program, Border Tails Rescue seeks to reduce the overpopulation of homeless dogs.

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About Us

Border Tails Rescue's mission is to eliminate the need for euthanasia of homeless dogs by providing shelter and arranging loving homes for adoptable dogs through partnerships with animal service facilities throughout our local area, on a national level through partnerships with animal service facilities in other states and internationally through partnerships with facilities in Mexico and other underserved areas. Additionally, through education, community outreach and our spay neuter program, Border Tails Rescue seeks to reduce the overpopulation of homeless dogs. Border Tails Rescue does not discriminate against any breed, age, size or ability and takes on many complicated medical cases regularly.

Get Involved



Border Tails Rescue is an animal rescue & welfare organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of stray dogs from Mexico and the Chicagoland area. We work hard to ensure that each pet is the perfect match for their adoptive family.

Volunteer opportunities

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with Border Tails Rescue! We need all the help we can get and rely on our amazing volunteers to help us out when we need it most. We have many different roles you can help with including care taking, adoption counseling, helping with emails/social media, and many more!

Make a Donation

Help save a pets life by donating today. Click the DONATE to make a tax deductible, secure online donation. As a non-profit organization, Border Tails Rescue receives no government funding and everything we do is only possible with donations.


Your donation means a lot to us. Please read the following to see what your donation contributes to within our organization.

$10 Flea/tick prevention for a month for one dog

$20 Heartworm prevention for a month for one dog

$25 Feed 55 dogs for a day with 1 60 lb bag of dog food

$30 Feed a dog in our partner rescue in Cancun for a month

$45 A complete set of shots for one dog

$55 Spay/neuter surgery for one dog

$75 Feed 55 dogs for 3 days

$100 Feed 55 dogs for 4 days

$150 Feed 55 dogs for 6 days

$200 Pay for transportation for a pet to Chicago 



+ Where do you rescue dogs from?

Our main mission is to rescue dogs from Mexico by working with partner rescues in the Cancun area. We also work locally with owner surrenders in the Chicagoland area to help support our community. We consider dogs for intake from all over though, and have had dogs from other states as well.

+ Why do you rescue dogs from Mexico?

We rescue dogs from Mexico because it is estimated that 70% of all of Mexico’s over 18 million dogs live on the streets. The only way to stop this overpopulation is to proactively spay/neuter strays as well as find adoptive homes for as many as possible. Our partner rescues rely on their partners, including us, to help transport the dogs to the United States. Without our help, and the help of a handful of other partners in Canada, our partners would not be able to save as many dogs as they do.

+ Is it difficult to transport dogs to the United States from Mexico? What is the process like?

It is not as difficult as people think. Many people think there is a quarantine period for dogs from Mexico, but there isn't. To travel, a dog must be certified healthy within 10 days of flying and have proof of vaccinations, most importantly their Rabies. We rely on flight volunteers who are generally tourists who are coming home from vacation. It is no cost and no hassle to our fight volunteers, but it helps us out tremendously. You can read more about it HERE.

+ Do you accept owner surrenders?

Yes, we accept owner surrenders locally as well.

+ Are all the dogs on your website available for adoption immediately?

No. Since a majority of our dogs are transported from Mexico, it can take time to arrange a transport. We have many wonderful foster homes here, so we commit to bringing dogs to Chicago sometimes without an adoptive home, but interest can help bring a dog here quicker as well.

+ Can I make a reservation for a specific dog before they arrive?

Yes. When a dog has interest before they arrive, we set the adoptive family up to meet them as soon as possible when they arrive to avoid unnecessary upheaval from a foster home.

+ What are your adoption fees and what is included?

Please see our adoption fees and info page HERE.

+ How can I contact Border Tails Rescue?

You can contact us by email or phone at 847-813-5774.


Adoptable Pets

Please note that since a majority of our adoptable pets are transported from Mexico, they might not be available immediately, as it takes time to coordinate a transport. Please email us with any questions

At Border Tails Rescue we are proud to show testimonials by our amazing adopters. If you have used our services please like us on Facebook and leave us a review!